Legal notice
1. Site publishing
The website is accessible at: https://www.wearethedustborn.com (“Site”). The Site is published by Quantic Dream - SAS, a Paris B 412 332 686 registered company having offices at 30 rue Raoul Wallenberg – 75019 Paris France (“Publisher”)
Quantic Dream SAS with a capital of 1.426.370 € Paris Corporate and Trade Register: 412 332 686 VAT Number: FR41412332686 30 rue Raoul Wallenberg, 75019 Paris (France) Tel: +33 1 44 64 00 90 Email: contact@quanticdream.com Director of publication: David Cage
2. Site Hosting
The Site is hosted by:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. P.O. Box 81226, Seattle, WA 98108-1226. https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/
3. Copyright and Trademarks
The Site and all content provided on the Site, concerning the video game but not only, including but not limited to images, scripts, characters, videos, texts, graphics, button icons, audio, digital downloads, data compilations, software and competition elements may not be copied, reproduced, republished, used, uploaded, posted, transmitted, modified or distributed, anywhere, without the prior written authorization of Publisher.The names, denominations, and signs of any kind (such as logotypes or figurative trademarks), the names of video game, characters, etc. which are mentioned or reproduced on this Site are the exclusive property of Quantic Dream, Red Thread Games. They shall not be used, even partially, by internet users, nor shall be reproduced, represented, adapted, or imitated, without the prior written authorization of the owners of such trademarks.
4. Image right - personality rights
People whose images and voices are reproduced on the Site have consented to the reproduction of their images and voices within the Site's framework. No reproduction, representation, or use of these photos and films may be made by users of the Site without the Publisher's prior written consent.
5. Contact
For any inquiries, you can contact : contact@quanticdream.com